Shaping a Global Nature Economy in the 21st Century Event | Como Moldar uma Economia Global da Natureza no Século 21
During this in-person and online event, the Taskforce on Nature Markets will officially launch its final report and recommendations.

Humanity is finally waking up to the disastrous consequences of our unsustainable overuse of nature to deliver economic growth.
Our current global economic model has destroyed nature at unprecedented rates, and systematically disadvantaged nature-rich countries, rural communities, and Indigenous Peoples.
This pathway can and must be reversed.
One part of the solution is to start accurately and consistently pricing the value of nature in economic decision making. This could incentivize nature-conserving market behaviour, help mobilise billions of dollars to preserve and restore nature, and fairly reward Indigenous Peoples and other local communities.
Rising nature markets can also play a central role in reshaping our unsustainable economy, but only if their design and governance are rooted in a radical commitment to impact and equity. Without this shift, these markets could cause further damage to nature, worsen the climate crisis and deepen inequities.
Since its inception in April 2022, the Taskforce on Nature Markets has identified and highlighted both the potential and dangers of rising nature markets. In its final report, the Taskforce sets out recommendations to avoid the worst outcomes and instead make nature markets a key driver of a Just Transition to a sustainable post-carbon economy.
This session is part of a full day event ‘Finance, Innovation and Nature’ taking place in the context of the Amazon summit and establishing the connections between nature, finance and the topics of the G20 and COP 30.
The full day event is organised in partnership with the IDB, Uma Concertação Pela Amazônia and Consórcio Interestadual Amazônia Legal and runs from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (Brasília time), in Belém/PA, at Estação das Docas.
To attend in person, contact:
Date: 10th August ‘23
Time: 9:30-11:00 BRT (14:30 - 16:00 CET)
Location: Teatro Maria Sylvia Nunes, Belém, Brazil
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